I promise I will get to in game, but a quick RL update first.
I believe it was 2017 since I looked at my blog :/ I apologise to anyone who actually checks in. I think Eve burned me abit, I didn't realise how demoralising faction warfare could be, don't get me wrong its fast paced, really enjoyable and predominantly small gang/solo stuff which I really enjoy, but overtime I think it drains the wallet and the enjoyment, especially in the bad times. iv learned if I FW again it will be a short-medium term venture. I am also aware that I put a lot of pressure on myself to live in New Eden mostly solely however its my play style and I love it. even if it does make in game life hard work, its part of the fun.
Massive turns in RL also contrubuted to my AWOL. I'm now a Parent!... ME?!. I currently have a 16 month old little girl, she's the cutest. I have moved house & jobs several times etc etc. basically RL gets in the way of fun shiz and Eve can be a trying game!
I'v missed the game and I feel my current employment puts me in a position where I may be able to put a few hours in here and there. I might even keep on with the blog abit :/ i'll do my best to share a few tails.
To update from my last online activity I found myself without corp again after a period of leave ( this is becoming common I know) nothing eventful really occoured after distortion i made some good friends in hardline but I think I fancied staying out of player corps for a while as my gaming time was to be unpredictable. lise was now fully pvp inclined and I had other toons running indi, as well as doing logistics for lise and doing her relics to earn the isk. I found myself focusing on the indi alts to skill them up and get abit of a routine going. I would just have a quick scout with Lise here and there to try and kill the blood lust. After doing such and getting my alts where i wanted them i took back to solo pvp with lise. I hung around the fw systems and the areas i knew as well as lurking round my holiday null spot. After a while of small gangs getting the best of me i thought to seek a better home. I had always fancied a period in wormhole space and so. I took of in a probe, my intentions where to find a hole i could call home. And logging in this time round, Its where iv found myself. In a probe, lost in some desolate hole.... bliss, i'm back once again.
Jack Of All Skills
Follow me as a wander through new eden!, I am a 2013 Eve Online pilot. I try my hand at almost everything in game especially if there's PVP on the cards, and if I do everything, I got content! hopefully you guys may learn from my successes and / or my miserable fails.otherwise may I entertain you for the duration.
Friday, 6 March 2020
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Still Here
I thought I would just update and allow myself to slowly try and find friendship with my blog once again... Scroll bottom for TL;DR
Eve has been ultimately very challenging, mentally and with actual gameplay over the past months.
I have found little success and a lot of loss, partially I think due to lack of consistency in the basics of flying, sometimes its easier just to hit warp to gate... then see the bubble.
I have since bid farewell to Distortion. To summarise what happened there, The CEO became burned, lacking enthusiasm for what once was, and also giving way to some well needed RL time ( a slight presumption)
Distortion, being a very handy corp was in the midst of expanding, we had formed the alliance amplified around the corp and where beginning to grow. Unfortunately I think the surrounding corporations and the gallente took this into consideration and decided on dealing with the puppy instead of the dog so to speak.
We where overcome in our home in okkamon, and the gallente malitia fought and turned over our system. they did this regimentally and without remorse, this was ultimately the end... it had forced us to make some very strong decisions about our future. the alliance split as quick as it was formed and the Corp began to fall apart. so much so that the gallente even took pity, promising to let us reinstate with our home, but it was too late.
After this time, I saw little of the Ceo, and what I did seemed forced.
Members of the corp took a seat and between the remaining pilots left we discussed our options, which boiled down to three, Continue to fight the Faction war battles, move home with intention of regaining okkamon... or become a pirate corp in lowsec... or join forces with C02 and reside in Null.
We had deployed and lost the majority of our fleets, we had no CEO and minimal direction or drive, we where consistently being outshipped and outnumbered by opposing factions and the pirate corps and so, to continue with FW as a group seemed pointless, and many had also burned and had little interest or hope for success in this field.
Personally I favoured the idea of becoming a pirate corp, although there was no initial direction for it, we could have found content in ganking freighters close to high sec, engaged in mercenary activities and become a threat to all factions, all with no fear of loosing a home or our space. Others showed little interest in these activities and the idea was quickly scrapped in many's eyes.
Finally, was the proposition we had been offered by Co2. Our CEO, probably anticipating his retire had contacts in Co2 and had struck a deal with them about merging forces. I believe as a means for corp survival and also as a positive way to leave his fellow followers.
And so, our once legendary CEO left, leaving one pilot to take the place of CEO and manage the bitter tethers of what was left. By this time the majority of the corp had made there own decisions and left, leaving only the most loyal and the completely oblivious.
Instinct, Now the new CEO of distortion followed favour and agreed that the best move for the corporation was to join forces in nullsec, with intention of becoming a feeder corp for Co2.
Thinking back to my older days in null, I was not overly happy with the decision but I was willing to see it through, I thought we could have our place and possibly do well there. Although I am far from partial to compulsory fleets, POS bashing, politics, etc etc. not to mention that null is often humongous numbers or nothing, which is no good for solo.
And so we made the arduous journey across New Eden. From Black rise right the way south to Providence. personally, I am not one to sell up and re-buy its just not in my nature. one ship is not another. And so i possibly found the journey more trying than others.
We found ourselves settled in 68FT- I thought I would stay with the corp for the durtion, possibly dabble in the 'ping fleets' and try to make use of Null space. The weeks went on and it seemed like a boring drag, I half heartedly skilled into a carrier and began to make a little capital.( no pun intended) by this time I was becoming frustrated with 'having' to be in fleets and found myself ignorant to the alarms ringing, and other pilots telling me I 'Should not be ratting right now, get in fleet'. I'd heard it one to many times. I slowly removed my assets and began looking for something a little more me, all the while making good use of the ratting space. Despite all this. Shortly after Instinct was made CEO he took a leave. around a month or two I would say. On his return I would log in to find myself dispatched from the leadership with no warning or discussion. I found this quite rude, At the time I was part way through logistics and found I could no longer manage corp. And my alt's that needed to get back in corp could not... it just backed up my farewell.
Scrolling through corporations had one 'Hard-Line Syndicate' pop out at me. These Guys advertise minimal rules and regs, No consistent requirement to get involved in Null activities and fleets. I Joined there public channel and conversed over the next couple of weeks with them.
I could Have a home with fellow, likeminded capsuleers and still go about my own business. This seemed ideal. and so my Journey coninued!
TLDR - Distortion died, remainder still with Co2 carebearing...I cba with sov and B.S , left, joined Hard-line. felt better... Yaay!!
I thought I would just update and allow myself to slowly try and find friendship with my blog once again... Scroll bottom for TL;DR
Eve has been ultimately very challenging, mentally and with actual gameplay over the past months.
I have found little success and a lot of loss, partially I think due to lack of consistency in the basics of flying, sometimes its easier just to hit warp to gate... then see the bubble.
I have since bid farewell to Distortion. To summarise what happened there, The CEO became burned, lacking enthusiasm for what once was, and also giving way to some well needed RL time ( a slight presumption)
Distortion, being a very handy corp was in the midst of expanding, we had formed the alliance amplified around the corp and where beginning to grow. Unfortunately I think the surrounding corporations and the gallente took this into consideration and decided on dealing with the puppy instead of the dog so to speak.
We where overcome in our home in okkamon, and the gallente malitia fought and turned over our system. they did this regimentally and without remorse, this was ultimately the end... it had forced us to make some very strong decisions about our future. the alliance split as quick as it was formed and the Corp began to fall apart. so much so that the gallente even took pity, promising to let us reinstate with our home, but it was too late.
After this time, I saw little of the Ceo, and what I did seemed forced.
Members of the corp took a seat and between the remaining pilots left we discussed our options, which boiled down to three, Continue to fight the Faction war battles, move home with intention of regaining okkamon... or become a pirate corp in lowsec... or join forces with C02 and reside in Null.
We had deployed and lost the majority of our fleets, we had no CEO and minimal direction or drive, we where consistently being outshipped and outnumbered by opposing factions and the pirate corps and so, to continue with FW as a group seemed pointless, and many had also burned and had little interest or hope for success in this field.
Personally I favoured the idea of becoming a pirate corp, although there was no initial direction for it, we could have found content in ganking freighters close to high sec, engaged in mercenary activities and become a threat to all factions, all with no fear of loosing a home or our space. Others showed little interest in these activities and the idea was quickly scrapped in many's eyes.
Finally, was the proposition we had been offered by Co2. Our CEO, probably anticipating his retire had contacts in Co2 and had struck a deal with them about merging forces. I believe as a means for corp survival and also as a positive way to leave his fellow followers.
And so, our once legendary CEO left, leaving one pilot to take the place of CEO and manage the bitter tethers of what was left. By this time the majority of the corp had made there own decisions and left, leaving only the most loyal and the completely oblivious.
Instinct, Now the new CEO of distortion followed favour and agreed that the best move for the corporation was to join forces in nullsec, with intention of becoming a feeder corp for Co2.
Thinking back to my older days in null, I was not overly happy with the decision but I was willing to see it through, I thought we could have our place and possibly do well there. Although I am far from partial to compulsory fleets, POS bashing, politics, etc etc. not to mention that null is often humongous numbers or nothing, which is no good for solo.
And so we made the arduous journey across New Eden. From Black rise right the way south to Providence. personally, I am not one to sell up and re-buy its just not in my nature. one ship is not another. And so i possibly found the journey more trying than others.
We found ourselves settled in 68FT- I thought I would stay with the corp for the durtion, possibly dabble in the 'ping fleets' and try to make use of Null space. The weeks went on and it seemed like a boring drag, I half heartedly skilled into a carrier and began to make a little capital.( no pun intended) by this time I was becoming frustrated with 'having' to be in fleets and found myself ignorant to the alarms ringing, and other pilots telling me I 'Should not be ratting right now, get in fleet'. I'd heard it one to many times. I slowly removed my assets and began looking for something a little more me, all the while making good use of the ratting space. Despite all this. Shortly after Instinct was made CEO he took a leave. around a month or two I would say. On his return I would log in to find myself dispatched from the leadership with no warning or discussion. I found this quite rude, At the time I was part way through logistics and found I could no longer manage corp. And my alt's that needed to get back in corp could not... it just backed up my farewell.
Scrolling through corporations had one 'Hard-Line Syndicate' pop out at me. These Guys advertise minimal rules and regs, No consistent requirement to get involved in Null activities and fleets. I Joined there public channel and conversed over the next couple of weeks with them.
I could Have a home with fellow, likeminded capsuleers and still go about my own business. This seemed ideal. and so my Journey coninued!
TLDR - Distortion died, remainder still with Co2 carebearing...I cba with sov and B.S , left, joined Hard-line. felt better... Yaay!!
Thursday, 24 March 2016
The Hauler
Blogger!!! it has been a short while!
I'm sure you will learn that despite my initial efforts, I am unpredictable and inconsistent when it comes to my blog, and anything else for that matter. For this I apologise, but it shall not change, believe me she has tried. :)
In hindsight I have taken a break from Lise's Life and thought I would enlighten any curious people Whom have read my last posts... Enjoy!
I'm sure you will learn that despite my initial efforts, I am unpredictable and inconsistent when it comes to my blog, and anything else for that matter. For this I apologise, but it shall not change, believe me she has tried. :)
In hindsight I have taken a break from Lise's Life and thought I would enlighten any curious people Whom have read my last posts... Enjoy!
A high pitch whine of the microwarp drive engaging had woken Basz from a light snooze. Already?! Shuffling out of the bed and sitting on the edge, Basz groaned, rolling his shoulders and massaging tender muscles to establish connection with his body, he looked out through a porthole and his predictions where confirmed. The Blockade runner was just off the undock of the destination,
Fracking eggers, must have forgotten us fleshies wear out.
Basz had assisted the rest of his crew a few hours previous, Loading ammo and paste from Jita. Large loads where normally handled by drones and machinery, but light loads where down to the crew to load, it was no easy task. The crew of 8 had loaded the blockade runner in just under two hours, 5,000 m3 in containers, back and forth from the market delivery and into the blockade runner, all by living hands.
The Capsuleer had been taking on contracts for the Caldari malitia, a reletively safe job for him and his crew, running light hauls to and from jita with 75% of the haul through high security, and the last leg through low sec. Being in a blockade runner made the trip all the more safe.
The Blockade runner was locked onto by tractor beam and hauled into the station. The capsuleer spoke over comms to his crew
“stand by to dock. We will not be hanging around here I want this crap offloaded so we can get out of here and grab another load, two hours is not acceptable! so shape yourselves and be ready!”
Basz mumbled a few choice words he would have liked the capsuleer to have heard before getting dressed and cleaned, he hurried to meet the rest of the crew ready to unload.
“Hey Basz!, you here that cheeky egger just now?!”
A Tall Amaarian lady stood waiting in the doorway of the hanger entrance, slumped up against the side of the Porthole. She had short red hair and a fringe that stylishly covered one eye, an eye that was not there, her skin was olive and life like.
A very attractive lady, Basz rolled his eyes.
“ I heard yea, I think he’s forgotten where fleshies!, If I keep loading and unloading like this, it Wont be long before I’m unloading myself. I’ll be finding something else!”
Yue looked at Basz hopefuly, as if she wanted him to leave! And take her with him.
The blockade runner was secured in the station, and unloading commenced, Yue and Basz worked together, taking either end of a container, Hauling it to storage, about eight hundred meters away from the blockade runner, and returning for the next.
The containers, where a difficult a two man job, Ammo was heavy, and paste, surprising heavy too when compacted into large containers.
The other members of the crew Kept there heads low and followed suit, working in pairs ferrying back and forth.
Meanwhile the capsuleer, Troveil, An Amaarian man from a wealthy family, Was already In the station bar.
He thought himself quite the entrepreneur, he dressed smart and looked down on anyone who wasn’t a clone, even with capsuleers he thought himself superior.
Troveil Had ordered a drink and looked around for someone worthy of conversation, Seeing a familiar face he strutted across the dance floor, head high, and sat down in a booth, opposite another Amaarian, Who’s head was in hands.
“didnt know you was in the region Seth!, flying safe?”
Seth Surfaced from his hands, There was an untouched drink in front of him and he had a face like a drifter, Emotionless and pale. The amaarian lifted one side of his mouth and gave half a nod in Troveil’s direction.
“Take that as a no then?, What the frack boosters are you on? Your lower than a damage control!”
Seth seemed to open up a little in Troveil’s presence.
“welI, I made it here Half hull in My escape pod, Hauler’s gone, Crews gone, loads
gone... I’m gone. I put all my assets into this one, was supposed to be my big break!”
Troveil Gave no sympathy
“Don’t be a drone!! Pick yourself up and move on, you’v lost ships before havn’t you?!”
Seth sighed
“I have, but not like this. I made connections with a Group living in a wormhole, I did the odd job for them and they paid well, respected my services massivly, They would find me high security entrances 95% of the time, and they would protect me all the way... not this time.”
Troviel instantly Saw the opportunity and was curious to find out if he could take the place of his acquaintance. The idea of safe Wormhole work spelled out ISK.
“What was different this time, Who are this worm hole group?”
“They are drug manufactures in a dangerous static. What was different is that they needed there load, too impatient to wait for a high security connection. So they found me a route into low security, and then through a connecting wormhole. They didn’t get there load. And I didn’t get paid. As far as I know there stuff is still laying there in my wreck!”
“Where is your wreck?”
Troveil Continued to gather information, already forming a plan of retrieving the load from the wreck and finishing the job for himself.
“Its in the connecting wormhole, Just on the other side of the hole in lowsec, I was milli seconds from warp when a proteus de-cloaked and pointed me, I was helpless.”
“Shame, What lowsec system was it?”
“why all the questions? Are u trying to take my work or something?”
Troveil persisted with the Amaarian, he had no shame, no remorse and not a care in Eden so long as he had isk coming in.
“I’m simply wondering if I could help, how about I finish your trip, and Ill give you one third of the earnings for giving me the work.”
The Ammarian scowled at Troveil, Knowing full well he would see no ISK.
“Its a suicide run, even if I gave u the coordinates you would never make it!”
“then if it has no value to you, What is it to tell me where your wreck is, and where to take the goods?”
“Fine go ahead but don’t say I didn’t warn you”
Seth took a scribe from his jacket and wrote on a napkin off the table.
“here’s the Coordinates, first one is my wreck, the other two are wormhole connections”
No more was said, Troveil finished the drink he had been nursing. And made for his hauler, leaving the Seth without farewell, to drown in his sorrows.
Basz and yue had just returned from unloading the last container, Basz was exhausted, and moderately annoyed at his matari slave like tasks. Troveil Marched into Basz view, returning from his encounter in the station bar.
“Basz Get em all boarded!, we have a job to do and we leave immediately!”
Basz cursed and muttered inaudible hatred as he marched back into the hauler to tell the others, He was not interested, or even thinking of where they where going, He just wanted to do the job and get some rest. After informing the other crew members, who where also not too impressed at leaving station so quickly, he went to his bunk, to get rest before the next load... All in the crew cabin where asleep before the hauler had undocked.
Basz was woken again, this time by a sound he had not heard for some time, and it was not a good sound, generally when alerts are heard throughout the ship it is not a good sign.
“You cannot cloak the ship as someone is targeting you.”
Fear overcame Basz, a surge of adrenaline ran through him, inducing an uncontrollable shake throughout his body, Basz scrambled to his feet, to find only himself in the sleeping quarters. Baffled and still fueled with adrenaline basz ran to the bridge, hoping to find the rest of the crew, or at least Troveil. Maybe all this can be explained.
Basz’s hopes of an explanation slimmed as he passed the escape pods, just 1 of 8 remained. What the Frack is happening?! The capsuleer swung round as Basz jumped through the porthole into the bridge, he looked pale, his eyes where glazed, like glass, as if his capsule had been destroyed and his mind had already left.
“Whats going on” basz asked with a trembling voice.
The capsuleer seemed to switch on, as if the link between mind and clone had just been remade, He looked at Basz with wide eyes, Like predator to prey.
“I called abandon ships five minutes ago, they want a ridiculous amount... I... I just won’t do it. So...”
The capsuleer pushed basz out of the way as he made for the door, Basz hit the deck, unaware of what had just occurred he did not rush in getting to his feet, then it was apparent, The sound of a pod being released from the ship explained it all. Basz was now the captain of a ship... That was in sticky situation.
Basz sat in the capsuleer seat, slightly bewildered and confused.
why have they not blown the ship up yet?.
Out infront basz was looking at an Industrial wreck almost touching the ships nose, behind this was a small fleet, two Drameil’s had the Viator warp scrambled, orbiting like flies, Two tengu’s dominated the fleet sat still, ready to strike, with two cynabals one for each, at their beck and call. All of which made Basz feel very uncomfortable, ships like this where normally admired from safely behind a cloak or within the station dock.
The comms unit crackled.
“That is eight!! And the last pod we let go Egger... They will still melt like you, unless you hand over the goods and pay the Bill!!”
Basz frantically looks around the controls and buttons infront of him, presuming Troviel had attempted to prolong his death by bartering for his crews lives, Basz thought he had better reply quick.
Push to talk!
“WAIT!! The fracking egger has left me! He... he just left in my capsule!!”
Basz saw one of the Drameil’s break Tackle and warp off in the direction of Troveil’s capsule, it returned a few moments later, Approaching one of the tengu’s before it ejected a lifeless corpse into space. Basz felt nothing.
“Then who do I speak with. And what were you doing in our hole?!”
Basz was baffled again by what he heard. A hole? What like wormhole??! Basz Attepted to hide his fears and replied to the transmission.
“ M.. My name is basz moon, I’m a Matari laborer for Troveil... the Capsuleer”
Basz always Spoke of himself a laborer, he found it more pleasing than slave. He also hoped it might assist in letting him live a little longer. The comms unit crackled again.
“EH?! Basz?... Moon?... Matari?,Well Aint it just bob!... Basz, Its Zach!!”
The Fleet Commander, Who resided in the wormhole, was also minmatar, and had Broken slavery a number of year ago, along with others, they had escaped together and taken refuge in a wormhole. Over time the Matari group had learned piloting skills and found fortune manufacturing illegal drugs for the criminals of the empire in there new home. All targeting dropped from the viator, and the fleet infront of Basz warped out of sight, leaving just one Tengu. Basz and Zach Conversed for a short while, Half reminiscing, half questioning before Basz was welcomed and invited into the safety of the wormhole. Basz Stayed stranded for months, His lost friend Zach, Tought him to fly ships manually, how to fly safely, and brief combat. A privilege and skill that was not often passed through flesh and blood.
Basz lived wormhole luxury and became restless. Hauling was something he missed, Even just to lift and shift all day, Basz had to haul, and so, he left the wormhole, bidding thanks and safe flight. Basz Took the Viator Troveil had follishly jumped in, still slightly damaged from its encounter , and headed for civilisation. Basz kept a low signature, and still does, finding work amongst only the few he can trust and keeping to the edges of the empire. He actually does okay,
Just ask Lise. o7
Friday, 11 March 2016
Life of Lise
The Chaos in the system seemed to have turned into silent anticipation as the fleets sat ready to undock in Tornado’s. Lise was also sat in her Nado, in silent thought, however lise’s thoughts where on her promotion, and what was to come of it. not on the task in hand.
The comms unit in lise’s tornado crackled and the voice of Glatious came through “ fleets undock, undock, get yourselves of station and warp reitsato, ensure you have insured your ships and you have correct ammo types”
Lise requested the undock, there Where drones everywhere hauling tornado’s through the vast caverns towards the atmosphere sheilds in the station, Lise was pushed out along with the rest, a small fleet surrounded Lise as they all made there way away from station, enabling them to warp off, The comms Crackled again “ move yourselves!, reitsato now! We have defending to do”
Lise engaged warp, the battlecruiser listed to one side aligning towards the stargate, it slowly picked up speed and the whole ship vibrated as it took off in what seemed like slow motion, To have such an enormous ships hitting excess lightspeeds always gave Lise a sence of defying logical science. She pondered in warp, what it must be like to warp a titan, or some other monstrous super capital ship.
“fleets jump, jump, jump...Yes I said jump!!!” Lise was behind, the last Tornando Jumped through the stargate and into Reitsato just as lise landed on the gate. She frantically requsted jump permissions, attempting to close the gap
“fleets align out, align out”
Lise was sucked into the stargate and thrown down a warp tunnel thousands of light years into the next solar system, and the whole process took seconds!. Lise had gotten used to stargates and jumping, but the it still made her feel a little off. Arriving into the next system Lise found the rest of the fleet, She had caught up. Engaging her microwarp drive she got in line and followed suit, aligning to the next stargate.
“align planet IV, align planet IV, load targeting range and EMP”
Glatious was communicating with the other fleets already defending the custom office, the coordinates where relayed to Glatious and he warped the fleet. “take the warp, take the warp, When we land prepare for target broadcast” Glatious had taken the information from the defending allies to be effective and correct, little did he know he would land his sniper fleet within range of enemy turrets, You could hear panic, frustration and dictation all at the same time as The fleet came out of warp in close range of the enemy “frack, When you drop warp keep at range on me!! KEEP AT RANGE ON ME NOW!!!” Lise quickly followed instruction, locking her ships movement to his, and the others followed suit. Lise saw one or two of her conrads primaried on landing, sending a colourful flash of light reflecting off the warzone, and leaving capsules in there place, warping of in different directions. Glatious retaliated “ZEALOT IS PRIMARY SHOOT THE ZEALOT” Lise picked the zealot from her radar and spotted him on her port side, she overloaded her guns...
Positive lock!....come on, Hit!! Lise sent three vollys at the zealot, The advanced cruiser melted revealing the enemy’s pod, you could almost see the pilots face as he frantically escaped the scene, helpless.
... Yes!!.. Down
Glatious continued.“zealot down!! Next primary is the....they are running!! Grab what you can!! Primary those bombers!!”
Ishtars zealots prophecy’s and Guardians all fled the customs office, followed quickly by there bombers, Leaving one last bomber, must not have been aligned, Lise attempted a lock...
Come on...come on...YES!!!
Lise’s battlecruiser sent a volly towards the Nemesis, Glanced and left the covert frigate with 80% of hull as it warped to safety.
Lucky...next time!
With Clearing the area of the enemy Glatious’s fleet sat on guard until the customs office had been repaired enough to ensure its safety. Congratulations was given.
“I thank you for your engagement!, we have had success!, it is a pitty we did not arrive on our terms but that is Eden, We shall be moving shortly and returning to base.”
The job was done, Customs office saved, and even and enemy down. Lise was more that happy with the events, and still had Drop running through her implants, She attempted to follow suit and sensibly return to station with the fleet.
Back on the station, celebrations where already taking place, tech’s, wife’s and children awaited the return of the fleet. Lise docked her tornado and followed the other pilots for a well due pos fuel beverage.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Life of Lise
The return
Unfortunately The morning had brought bad news for Lise, She was rudely awoken by Her console, and a mail from the militia...
Having Known the call to arms would eventually arise, Lise reluctantly put her Stalking on hold and responded to the call, docking her Astero in the station after collecting her assets from space, she was not certain when she would be able to return, or if she would at all.
Lise, now Not being the most liked pilot in New Eden, had to take caution traveling back to the Caldari militia, she Had previously contacted Korgyll and asked for an interceptor frigate to be built and dropped of in her stalking area, it was to be fitted with no offence, strictly for high security travel. Lise had few trusted people she dealt with when it came to personal business.
Korgyll Could travel between stations in a shuttle or frigate to attend to ships, at most he could fly a frigate in the regions policed by Concord, flying a high class frigate such as an interceptor, and into dangerous space needed more training.
The hauler, was a quiet and generally unknown matari slave that had found fortune through his eggers error, but that is another story. The hauler, as he so liked to be known, now stayed under the radar and made a comfortable living carrying goods for a select few. The hauler, seemed to exist only within freighters, blockade runners, and other hauling industrials, with a crew so small it was a wonder how he hauled anything, but he did and he did it well.
Lise had a feeling she was going to have to be more careful in high security systems and had ordered a Stiletto for such journeys. Lise was all too familiar with a minmatar interceptor, and she loved them, purely for there speed, so when she had to get one for just that purpose, she was almost looking forward to the mediocre long journeys she would have to make between her home and the militia. Lise set her course, Requested the undock, assisted by another drone she undocked her stiletto and headed for Caldari space, twenty jumps to the deployment station. “piece of cake”.
Lise set her destination and engaged warp, the interceptor aligned at an alarming rate and was already at warp speed, shoving lise back in her pod and making her gasp, frakin blood ships!!....this shouldn’t take to long. The Interceptor had been fitted by Korgyll, Inertia modifications and nozzle thrusters where the only thing that had been fitted, no offence, as Lise had requested.
And the Journey did not take to long, Lise felt like an outlaw, putting locals and Concord on there toes as she warped through high security space with faction police close behind in persuit. A criminal, and it brought a sense of achievement. Lise no longer cared for the protection of the empire.
Arrival at the militia saw chaos and panic as lise docked in the station. Before she could even eject her pod from the interceptor she could see people waiting in her dock bay. Glatious, the militia’s head of operations, his assistant Kaprika, and two Fleet Commanders of Lise’s branch stood in a huddle by lise’s scaffold. “good break?” Glatious asked as lise clambered down from her capsule, “epic... Sir” Glatious lifted one side of his mouth with a sort of smile, and continued “ Good, and refreshed I hope, Lise, We have recognised your recent efforts, I have informed the militia and your commanders and I am now appointing you one of my directors, I will need your skills and assistance in the near future, there is little time to talk on the matter now.”.
Near future plans? “oh... well, thank you... Sir” Lise was a a little shocked, she was not expecting the promotion and she wondered what “plans” where in the pipeline.
Glatious nodded, “on that note I shall leave you. I’m sure the FC’s will bring you up to speed on our current objective. We leave at eighteen hundred”. Without hesitation Glatious spun and marched out of the quarters, closely followed by Kaprika, Leaving Lise and two fleet commanders. Lise rolled her shoulders, and brushed her self off, attempting to look a little more important, She Nodded at one of the FC’s “So come on, inform me”
The FC stood up straight as if he had been called to attention in a squad. “ We have a friendly custom office coming out of reinforce, ma’am!!. We are needed as back up for Hecon, May I suggest Tornado’s, ma’am!!?”
Lise paused a second, She had never been involved in the decision making before.
Erm a customs office?... Nado’s sound good... Keep at range, anything too much we’ll get the frack out! Lise returned her attention to the FC. “sounds good commander, get too it”
The two fleet commanders gave a salut, spun and marched out of Lise’s dock.
Lise Wandered to find Korgyll, He would need to do a quick check of Lise’s Tonado before she had to undock for the fleet. And she, would need to prepare... To be continued.
Sunday, 6 March 2016
*Space Tumble Weed*...Carrier Down!!!
Just a quick one...
So my corp seems to have gone randomly quiet all of a sudden, there is definitely a lack of people present in the EU time zones. Recruitment still goes on, it is an ongoing tedious process I think. Between the directors I think we have been finding our feet a little in terms of organisation of assets and roles etc, and stocking up, with that in mind, I'm sure there are also a few of us anticipating the null sec deployments too!
Tsk Tsk
So...with there being a lack of people online just recently, naturally the average pilot would become a little bored...
Personally I love to fly solo...but Fleets are good!, I do end up in them most of the time, and I do love the social aspect of eve, however some only fight in fleets... and rock on you guys!.
Anyway... so there are around five of our corporation on comms... and where milling around doing our own thing, the channel is quite quiet. Last I knew, Dr (my irrational space lover and CEO) was playing Dota, he starts chuckling to himself down comms and some five or ten minutes later and after some "come on then tell us" he mentions that he..."might" be engaged in Rietsato. After a long winded barter he admits he jumped his Arcon into a fleet of thrashers...bearing in mind he has warped and jumped into the system...he's not on station like a normal person, no...
As the fleet of thrashers is now increasing and a few svipuls and a cynabal join in the fight, Dr calls for back up, in his natural way "grab something tanky, jump Reitsato". I grab a vexor and do as told. unaware he is the other side of the gate with 15+ engaged on him.... so yea that lasted a whole ten seconds... The others in comms did the same I'm not sure if they lost ships as I did. But to cut a long story short, we listened to Dr amuse Himself for around 10 - 20 minutes then it got to the point of no return, Naturally we all whored....ops success :)
Just a quick one...
Is it just me or is it fracking dead in space the last week??
It could be just the Caldari militia, or probably just my TS. because I'm still managing to get blown up :)So my corp seems to have gone randomly quiet all of a sudden, there is definitely a lack of people present in the EU time zones. Recruitment still goes on, it is an ongoing tedious process I think. Between the directors I think we have been finding our feet a little in terms of organisation of assets and roles etc, and stocking up, with that in mind, I'm sure there are also a few of us anticipating the null sec deployments too!
Tsk Tsk
So...with there being a lack of people online just recently, naturally the average pilot would become a little bored...
Personally I love to fly solo...but Fleets are good!, I do end up in them most of the time, and I do love the social aspect of eve, however some only fight in fleets... and rock on you guys!.
Anyway... so there are around five of our corporation on comms... and where milling around doing our own thing, the channel is quite quiet. Last I knew, Dr (my irrational space lover and CEO) was playing Dota, he starts chuckling to himself down comms and some five or ten minutes later and after some "come on then tell us" he mentions that he..."might" be engaged in Rietsato. After a long winded barter he admits he jumped his Arcon into a fleet of thrashers...bearing in mind he has warped and jumped into the system...he's not on station like a normal person, no...

Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Contract Killers!!
My solo flying has really come to a stand still at the moment. It is unfortunate, however My corporation is top of my list, At least until we are are a little further down the road.
I have already spilled some news on what my corp is up to and thing are beginning to move along nicely. Recruitment is still a focus point.
We have now split from [HECON] as an alliance, we decided that they did not provide us much support. Other than the odd call to arms which often came from their end, we did not have much to do with each other. We have not burned any bridges and we maintain a positive relationship with our allies in faction warfare.
As for [DISTN] We have made our plans for the near future and we are anticipating what is to come. A member of our corp has made a living within Eve Online, being a middle man, if you will, organizing and signing large contracts mainly focused at corporations needs, for example [BIGCORP] needs assistance. Our contact would find a suitable candidate [MINICORP], organize and make the contract. I found this line of work quite genius, I have not heard of someone carrying out such tasks in Eve and I can say it is well worh the persons time in isk!!! Plexing Faction warfare sites has become a little mundane, We are seeing corp members burning out, and rightfully so, Plexing can be very mind numbing. As a corporation we have predicted this being an issue, and so putting incentives in place or changing the plan of attack slightly can sometimes spice things up.
Glitch has a different approach on being successful within faction warfare, in that he believes just being active in a system is massively proactive in taking said system. And I can see where he comes from, being a PvP focused corp, kills are what we love, Loyalty Points not so much, so to focus on protecting a system would make things easier for the people who actually want to plex, and more enjoyable for our blood thirsty members, in turn keeping members happy and with the corp.
One of the Incentives Glitch has come up with is to set a campaign or competition if you will. We pick a system and compete for kills, at the end of the set period several awards will be handed out ie. ‘most hilarious kill’ ‘most kills in system’ ect.
The new Skill injectors are fast becoming top place in the awards, simply because they are cheaper than a plex. And useful to the corp as well the pilot accepting it. Giving our pilots a hand with the odd skill injector might see that extra Logistics ship fielded, or that command destroyer for links. Either way we feel that skill injectors will be a gift for both parties :)
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